- Scunthorpe
01724 281616 - Goole
01405 763853
What is Good Divorce Week?
A national campaign to help parents embrace a child-focused approach to separation – led by Resolution, a community of family justice professionals who work to resolve issues in a constructive way.
Why is Good Divorce Week so important?
The impact of divorce can be life-changing and, if it is not approached correctly, the negative impact can last a lifetime; both for the couple involved and the wider family. Campaigns such as Good Divorce Week help raise awareness about how to minimise the negative impact, focus on positive steps and help all involved. It helps inform people about the support that is available and highlights the better ways available, such as non-court options for resolving disputes that may arise on divorce.
The focus for Good Divorce Week 2022?
To highlight the crisis in the family courts and raise awareness of all the diverse ways families can resolve their disputes away from Court - where it is safe and appropriate to do so - and how members guide families through that process.
Overstretched family courts are facing huge backlogs, both in terms of dealing with listings and administrative tasks. Despite the best efforts of court staff, families are frequently left waiting for prolonged periods of time to sort out finances and child arrangements.
So, what are the alternatives to court proceedings?
Family mediation helps you decide for children, money & property and can be conducted in-person and/or online. The Family Mediation Council (the FMC) holds the register of family mediators (www.familymediation.council.org.uk)
Arrangements for children (including their financial arrangements) qualify for a non means assessed voucher of up to £500 towards your mediation costs if you appoint an FMC mediator registered with the scheme.
Family mediators may also be members of the following membership organisations and can be found here:
Parenting Coordination
Assists parents to implement their Parenting Plan or final Court Order. The Parenting
The coordinator provides parenting support through discussion, mediation and when required by making binding determinations to resolve issues in a timely manner. Further details and the register of Parenting Coordinators can be found here:
Parenting Support & Parenting Information
Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP):
https://www.cafcass.gov.uk/grownups/parents-and-carers/divorce-and separation/parenting-together/separated-parentsinformation-programme/
The Parenting Apart Programme:
Contact Centres
Providing support and facilities where children can spend time with family members they do not live with – there are around 350 child contact centres across the UK.
See more here:
Early Neutral Evaluation / private FDR
The database for practitioners offering a private non-binding evaluation/pFDR in financial matters can be found at:
If you cannot reach an agreement arbitration provides an alternative to applying to the court. You enter an agreement whereby you appoint a suitably qualified person to adjudicate a dispute concerning money, property and/or children and agree to be bound by the written decision of the arbitrator. Arbitration is usually quicker and more flexible than the court process and will always be private. Further details can be found at:
A Final Word.
Symes Bains is committed to supporting Good Divorce Week and to supporting people to experience a good divorce. As a team, our approach is always one of understanding and fairness. We will take the time to understand the needs of you and your family. We help people from every walk of life, so no matter how complex your circumstances might be and no matter what your goals are, we will be able to assist in helping you towards a good divorce and we strive to reach an amicable resolution wherever possible.
If you are going through a divorce, contemplating a separation or would like to know more then please contact a member of our specialist family law team who will be happy to assist. Get in touch at 01724 281616